Memorial for Juliana Cecile Wyatt, November 26, 1922 - January 5, 2008
Memorial for Juliana Cecile Wyatt, November 26, 1922 - January 5, 2008
A talendted woman and composer whose
gift was love and song. She entertained
many with her uplifting music.
Devoted Wife, Mother and Bahá’í
Patrice Rothfeder
Dearest Mother,
I love you and miss you. I think of you often. I pray for you. As usual, you were right about a lot of things. May God bless you and have mercy upon you, and may your soul continue to progress always.
Lovingly, your daughter, Patrice
Dearest Mother, I love you and miss you. I think of you often. I pray for you. As usual, you were right about a lot of things. May God bless you and have mercy upon you, and may your soul continue to progress always. Lovingly, your daughter, Patrice